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October Updates - News

Writer's picture: Greg LutiGreg Luti


October Updates - News

Hey, to the readers out there.

We here at Pens and Words wish you, readers, the best at this uncertain, unusual time.

We are taking this moment to update you on what is going on this site.

Unfortunately, we hit a road bump for a little while there, not producing any new content for you, and we got off track.

No new poems.

No new short stories.

No new op-ed pieces.

Not even an update on the nothingness.

I personally apologize for that unprofessionalism.

As the Editor-In-Chief, I should have been a little better than that.

At the very least, letting you know what we are doing.

I told you we wouldn’t leave, and we left.

So you got no new poems.

No new short stories.

No new op-ed pieces.

Not even an update.

That is a promise I broke with you.

Sorry about that.

Don’t get mad at the writers on this site for this mistake, for they already give too much of their time to this blog.

That is my responsibility as the Editor-In-Chief, and I don’t want you to think any less of the creativity that the writers have on this site because of my blunder.

But enough of where we were, and the errors we made and more about where we are going, and the roads we will take.

What is upcoming on this blog?

What new things do we have in store for you?

I thought we would take another three-month break, and then see how things go from there.

It is a new blog model I am trying out.

Write nothing for three months, and then the readers will think that you’ll be back, only to not return for another three months.

Seriously though…

We at Pens and Words will be back to publishing short stories/poems/ articles on this blog coming October, just in time for the holiday and the election.

The holiday full of ghouls, goblins, and goobers.

The election full of policies, pandering, and polls.

Each month we’ll have themes for short stories and poems we’ll write, and we chose Halloween and the election for October.

So sit back and relax and expect to read some scary stories and some about Halloween too.

(That was a joke because the election is going to be a nightmare. We like to keep things light around here.)

We are going to try to get more author interviews up here as well. If you are an author and want to be interviewed, please contact us; we’d love to help you get some exposure for your work.

We are happy to announce that our love for literature and stories is still strong and that a crazy world can knock us down, beat us up, and spit in our face, but we’ll get back up, straighten ourselves out and then continue on.

(And then we’ll probably write about it too)

Here is to a good October for the readers.

Enjoy your candy.

Learn about your candidates.

And most importantly, stay safe.



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About The Blogger

Greg Luti is the Editor-In-Chief of this blog. He sometimes forgets that the blog exists and doesn't realize it until months go by. He also likes impressionism art.


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