Hey readers,
Here is a news article on some changes we are making to the posts that you read.
You know that we only do these sort of articles if they are needed.
Literary Quote

“To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.”
– Allen Ginsburg
Book Deal
Title – Brave New World
Author – Aldous Huxley
You should read this book, but if you want to watch another season of a comedy series on Netflix, then who am I to stop you?
Writing Prompt
In honor of our theme of “New Year” for the month of January, write a short piece with that theme in mind.
Literary Meme

Book Giveaway
We are not currently holding a book giveaway. Come back in February for more information on it.
Update On Changes To Beginning - News
We are making changes to the beginning of each article that you read on this blog. You know what that means, News time; The never-popular, never-read, somehow still needed news report for the readers.
Here we go…
Some of you astute readers may have noticed that over the past few months, we have been trying to add minor stuff to the beginning of each article, rather than only an op-ed piece. You are no longer jumping right into the article anymore.
We believe that these additions add to your reading experience, so we will continue with this mindset.
In the past, on this blog, you would only get an article or short story; Like that one that Anastacia wrote about writing or that one that Sarah Beach wrote about Oscar Wilde.
Those only have the articles with their voices and verbatim, and that is fine and all. We like them. We enjoyed writing them. And some of you even enjoyed reading them, but we think we can give you more than our take on a writer winning person of the year.
So here is what you should expect on each post from now on, aside from the actual post.
Literary Quote – That is a quote about literature.
Book Deal – That is a book that is below ten bucks on Amazon. We are on Amazon sometimes, and another few bucks get us to free shipping. This is for those of you who understand that feeling and know that a book is always the option.
Writing Prompt – A prompt for those of you who need some inspiration for writing your book, short story, or whatever it is that you write. (if you do)
Literary Meme – A meme that only a reader would understand. Just prove to everyone that we really are book nerds.
Book Giveaway – The book that we are giving away for the month. We haven’t started this yet, but we intend on in the near future. (When we start this, we will write up a more formal piece for it, don’t worry)
And then you get to the post with all those wise words and insightful ideas and touching topics that you read and say, “Hey. That was pretty good.”
Or you can be highly critical of our original take and write up a longer essay than we did for a comment. You could have used that energy for a prompt, but you do you. You don’t like that our opinion on that thing that we wrote that one time on that one day in the past that we kind of remember, and you’re going to let us know about it.

News posts alerting you of the updates on this site are not the most fun to read, or even write. We get it. You’d rather read up on a short story in a retail store, or if COVID should be a main topic for writers? Trust me; we get it. That is why we stopped informing you of every theme for the month. That wasn’t interesting enough for a whole blog post, we know.
We are basically going over your To-Do List with you, and although it is not fun, you gotta do it. Sorry man. Those groceries don’t buy themselves. And those appointments don’t make themselves. And when we make big changes on this site, you’re gonna hear about it.
None of us at Pens and Words want you to think we put in a bunch of stuff at the beginning for the hell of it.
We think you’ll enjoy it, cause we do.
We like reading of witty quotes about literature or get a good deal on a cheap book.
We hope that this makes each post more enjoyable for you to read, and thank you for your time.
I put everything I had to say in the post, so I will tell you only to follow us on our social media pages.
If you do like this post, please share this on social media. It means a lot to us. Thanks.
Read More
Sarah Beach pieces - Anastacia Walden pieces - Alonzo Cortez pieces - Brooke Smith pieces - Joey Carneiro pieces
Read the Current Theme - Read Past Themes - Read New Year pieces - Read Valentine's Day pieces - Read Thanksgiving pieces - Read Halloween pieces - Read Election pieces - Read Christmas pieces
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About The Blogger
Greg Luti is an editor and blogger on He does not own a cat. He would add more to his bio, but he believes that is all you want to know about him for now.
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